Portland's Christmas tree, December 17, 2010. The Jackson Tower in the background looks so great, all outlined in white and with the green light on the clock. Yes, you do see a tent on Pioneer Courthouse Square--it's busy all of the time. And over to the left, that's KGW's The Studio on the Square. Do you like these white lights and the gold star more than the multi-colored lights and the white star? I can't get the link-thing-a-ma-jig to work, but there's a photo of the other tree, which is the current lighting configuration, on the Friday, December 7, post.
I've put frames on some of my Christmas photos because I wanted to print them to display as part of the decorations I have in my work cube. I've decided to share some of them with y'all.
Perfect in every way.
The tree is beautiful and the composition is beautiful. I don't see a need to compare beauty. Both beautiful.
What a beautiful tree.
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