Not long after I took loads of photos of Jujuba during Music on Main, my older son Lamont was at my apartment. I took the opportunity to show him the images in iPhoto, the ones I liked best of the band and of this man thoroughly enjoying dancing to the fine and funky beat. Well, imagine my shock when Lamont sort of guffawed and exclaimed, "That's my neighbor!" Shocked, I pointed at the man in the cap and asked, "This man?" Turn out this man whose exuberant fun fascinated me into taking photo after photo, lives in my two sons' neighborhood.
Merriam-Webster online defines serendipity as the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for. And this definition for English-language learners: luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for. M-W goes on to include this definition for kids: the gift of finding valuable or agreeable things not looked for.
Ha! I'm as amazed as you two must have been. What a coincidence. And great shots too.
I hope Lamont shows his neighbor these! I somehow feel this guy wouldn't mind in the least having his picture on your blog!
That are great shots!
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