Vassio Meggos, what a lovely flower.

Sheer Heaven, photographed after the sprinklers had passed by.

Rawhide, also photographed after getting a drink from the sprinklers.

Vanishing point, furnished by rows of Little Missy dahlias, a paved road, and the power pole and its lines.

More perspective, courtesy of the path headed towards the spot where just about everyone who visits begins touring the acres of dahlias. The cut flower stand and the food vendors are located in that area.

One more beautiful sight caught my eye as I drove away in the Zipcar. I had to turn around and go back for this photo of it parked nose-in beside the rows of Little Missy dahlias! A 1955 Chevrolet. My first car was a green one--I loved that big ol' car!
Absolutely beautiful
I love your shot of pure heaven and rawhide. Just gorgeous.
Vivid colors all! Beautiful flowers, and rows and rows of them! The fragrance must be very nice. Wonderful photos.
I'm certainly glad you dallied with the dahlias. I've never seen anything like it...gorgeous!
And the Chevy...well, it's a 1955...we had one similar but it was aqua and white and a 4-door. Lovely car!
Congrats on your Best Portland blog award! That's very cool!
Those flowers are stunning.
Lynette, these dahlias are stunning! And your photos of them just as divine. I have them open on my desktop to bring some color into my day. They remind me so much of my summer visits to Bulgaria, many of the home gardens there had dahlias. Love from Jackson, Laurel
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