Sunday, August 1, 2010

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Bright Colors

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Here are my photos for Theme Day--I couldn't pick just one! The Hawthorne Bridge is 100 years old this year. It is the oldest vertical lift bridge in the United States. We are currently right in the middle of its birthday party, so to speak. It's the first ever PDX Bridge Festival. One of the special events involves fabric and light on the bridge, fabric and light that interacts with traffic and pedestrians as they cross the Willamette River.


I took these photos Thursday night, July 29, 2010, from the Eastbank Esplanade. Since I didn't have a tripod with me, I rested my elbows on the metal pipe railing and held my breath as I took each one.

All of a sudden I heard ringing bells and saw flashing red lights. A bridge lift! Hooray!


What a delicious few moments of serendipity!

Here's the tugboat and the barge, on their way north, upriver towards the Columbia River and possibly the Pacific Ocean.


GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

The sights and sounds around this bridge must just be fabulous! Would make a great You Tube video!

Lowell said...

You did extremely well with these photos...and no tripod? That's amazing. They are so beautiful. I've never been to Portland which is a mistake I'm going to have to rectify one of these days!

Louis la Vache said...

Outstanding combination of the two memes, Lynette!
«Louis» wanted to do the same thing, but couldn't find a photo that did both.

«Louis» welcomes you to Sunday Bridges and hopes you'll contribute again!

cieldequimper said...

Oh lol, I thought I was actually commenting on this set of photos of the bridge! I need to take a nap, I think!

Pleasure to direct you to Sunday Bridges. said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

Absolutely fantastic and really bright. Well photographed.

I wish you a colourful and successful (month of) August.

Thank you for your comment on Stuttgart Daily Photo.

T. Becque said...

Lovely bright night shots!

Randy said...

Great night shots. Now I want to make Portland the next city I visit.

jb said...


Ebie said...

A very well lighted and decorated bridge! Beautiful night photography!

Jilly said...

Such colour, such light. What a beautiful bridge that is.

crocrodyl said...

Looks amazing! Great idea!

Anonymous said...

thank you for this much needed escape in the middle of the night. impressive photography ! please have you all a good start into the new month and week as well.

daily athens

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Wonderful set of photos. But the real killer is the one you posted yesterday. Congrats.

VioletSky said...

The lights on the water look fantastic.
And what a great idea to have this interactive light display.

Elisa said...

An amazing landscape!
Well done
Best regards from Argentina

Rob said...

The evening light and colors of your series is stunning and beautiful!

Halcyon said...

Such a pretty night shot! Looks like a fancy bridge.

Stevenson Q said...

These are not just Bright Colors! Their Dramatic! I don't know if anybody wouldn't feel happy seeing this! Love it!


Petrea Burchard said...

Lovely shots of beautiful Portland. Nice to meet you!

Chuck Pefley said...

Nice, Lynette! And yours is so much more obviously a bridge than mine is -:)

Happy Theme Day

Misfit in Paradise said...

Very cool. I love watching the bridges rise.

Sharon said...

Gorgeous shots! What a bright event.

Carraol said...

Magnificent set of night shots, the fifth is spectacular, for its composition and colorfulness!

Jim said...

Certainly is colourful.

Judy said...

Fantastic night shots!

Unknown said...

Great night shots!

SRQ said...

What a fun idea to light up the bridge for its anniversary. Neat captures. And, not easy to do without a tripod!

Luckaa said...

Very, very, very nice!

Jim Klenke said...

beautiful shots, glad you couldnt pick just one, they all are neat.

B SQUARED said...

You have a very steady arm to have taken these wonderful shots.

Rachel said...

Great pictures!

jamr said...

I love the night shots of cities, are incredible. Congratulations, good job, keep it up.

Ming the Merciless said...

Oh wow, what amazing colors.

I've been told MANY times that Portland, OR is very similar to Portland, ME in terms of size and geography. I should visit OR one day.

Lori Lynn said...

Wow! Fabulous Theme Day! I'll be heading up to Portland this Thursday for a vacation, looking forward to perusing your blog!

irinapictures said...

Great theme day choice! And I recognize the problem - I can NEVER choose ONE photo for posting, the photos just jump to the page all together :-)))

Jack said...

I am envious. Don't think I could take one bright and clear night photo like these, much less a whole collection.

Lisa Wilson said...

Bright colors at night! Beautiful photos!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Wonderful shots, especially of the lifting section. Not much else I can say that hasn't already been mentioned by those before me.

I enjoyed today's post as well. You and your Mama have some 'tude.

Thanks for stopping by pcadp.

Ming said...

Those are beautiful pics Lynette. Love the last colorful bridge pic. Very appropriate theme day :-)

Kaori said...

What gorgeous night shots! Love the bright lights! I'm glad you posted all of them ;-)

Anonymous said...

Talk about being in the right place at the right time!!! These are stunning!!!

Z said...

Extraordinary pictures!

B i r g i t t a said...

Colourful and beautiful - perfect for this themeday :)
Thanks for visiting :)