...then you see that same person again! Well, I thought that's what had happened with these two sightings two days apart. However, upon closer inspection of the largest size of each photo, I don't think that this is the same woman, though at the time I took the second photo I remember thinking, "Oh, wow! There's that woman I saw downtown the other day!"
First at Pioneer Courthouse Square on Sept. 17.

Then on Sept. 19 across the street from Three Doors Down on SE 37th.
Still amazing that you saw two ladies with similar mohawks and clothes that close together in time though!
Nice captures, both of them, and yes I know how that happens.
Wow. That's a ton of hairspray.
I would have stopped both of them for a photo and a few questions!
I saw the girl in the second pic the week I was there. I think Lamont said he's seen her often in the neighborhood near 3 Doors Down. Her hair is almost as tall as she is!
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