The Iceman cometh, thank goodness, to de-ice our plane's wings in Denver, our place to change planes.

Our lunch--ha, ha! We did just fine on it, too!

We've landed!

And now I have to report that I will be away from the World Wide Web for a whole week!
Mama's staying with Aunt Baker and Uncle JL, and I'm off to Talladega with our friends Milton and Kay!
You know I'll return loaded with pix! In fact, I've already got almost 1000 to go through from Wednesday through Sunday--surely some of them will be worth sharing with y'all.
Hope the flight went well. Have a great time while you're there. I'd imagine you're going to be eating better food than those Ritz.
Enjoy yourself. Looking forward to the images you bring back.
Mama looks great because shes going on vacation, and she gets a week away from.......have fun at the race.
Have a wonderful time!
I see you got some spam in the Japanese above.
I like your vacation start.
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