The pilot made a hard landing, and loads of safety personnel swarmed to the site.

Here you see him headed for the pier. I never heard any other news about him, so I hope he's A-OK.

HOME HANGAR: Silverdale, WA
PILOT: Baraka Poulin
FLIGHT CREW: Chris Arend, Emily Arend, David Shamrell, Sondra Tripp
ITINERARY: “The inspiration for our Flying Day aircraft is the P51 Mustang from World War II,” says Chris Arend, captain of a team from Silverdale, Washington. “It’s a beautiful plane, and we think that it will be amazing to create a scale replica – especially if it flies!” The members of Team B.A.M.F., while using an acronym that is distinctly modern (you figure it out), will otherwise be evoking an earlier era: the time of victory gardens, Rosie the Riveter, and a sleek, single-seat fighter aircraft that helped to foil Hitler’s plans for global domination.
Graduates from Gonzaga’s mechanical engineering program, Baraka, Chris, and David appreciate fine design, and they are “eighty-five percent sure” that their homemade model will score some decent hang time. Meanwhile, Emily and Sondra (a pastry chef and a musician/novelist, respectively) are bringing their creative skills into play to make the entry’s presentation as authentic and entertaining as possible. “We decided to compete in Flugtag on a whim, but now that we’re in it, we’re all over it,” Chris comments. “Our design is a classic – many people are fond of the P51 for its historical significance – and our skit will be classy and cool at the same time. We think it will get some good points!”
Team Oregon or Bust--you've gotta read how they came up with their team name--it's a hoot!

One of these guys might be the one who did the back flip off the deck. I just can't remember, but I seem to remember someone tall headed for that floating wooden framework, all of a sudden. And the crowd of 80,000 collectively gasped.

PILOT: Christopher Rosch
FLIGHT CREW: Kyle Dover, Robby Marshall, Kevin Mozingo, Pat Tyvand
ITINERARY: "We grew up in the same neighborhood and have been friends since day one, almost fifteen years ago," says Bend's Chris Rosch, captain of Team Oregon or Bust. "We're five guys who went to the same middle school, high school, and college and have spent our lives riding things – sleds, bikes, or whatever – on tow ropes behind cars, off bridges, and into porta-potties." Lost in nostalgia, he cracks a smile, "We also spent our lives in love with our friends’ mom. I'm not at liberty to say who, but the bet is still on."
As Chris and his Bend bros Kyle Dover, Robby Marshall, Kevin Mozingo, and Pat Tyvand build their flier on the sun-dappled shores of the Deschutes River, they explain the team's name. "OREGON: for lucid water that rivers off the only mountain in the world with year-round snow riding, for making shoes with waffle irons, and for the Fosbury Flop." They go on, "OR: because it's the postal abbreviation of Oregon," and finish poetically, "BUST: for the unlucky folks who fall short – like Charles Floyd of the Lewis and Clark expedition into Oregon Territory, who learned that you can kill many things, namely buffalo, with a gun; but not appendicitis." There's a brief pause before Chris finishes the rhapsody, "Also, for being a synonym of cleavage."
Team Chinese Take-Out used the Kung Fu fighting song in their skit.

Then someone called to make a take-out order, on the giant phone.

So, the driver took off to make the delivery.

PILOT: Jesse Lenihan
FLIGHT CREW: Amy Codd, Tony Codd, Steve Cogdill, Eric Freytag
ITINERARY: “We met over some delicious Chinese take-out,” says Tony Codd of his Red Bull Flugtag Portland team. “We were all eating in the parking lot of P.F. Chang’s when we realized that we were probably soulmates, or at least meant to be friends – really good Chinese take-out friends.” Tony claims that the Seattle-area crew was already building a glider shaped like a carry-out box when they serendipitously heard about the Flying Day competition and realized they should enter.
When they’re not trying to figure out the best flying feng shui for their crazy carton, Tony and Amy Codd, Steve Cogdill, Jesse Lenihan, and Eric Freytag attend school (North Seattle Community College and Highline Community College), practice karate (Steve has his yellow belt), and work at jobs in fields ranging from construction to pulling espresso. And, of course, all of them practice their chopstick skills on a daily basis. At the big event on August 2, their skit will be based on that benchmark of civilized society, Chinese food take-out and delivery. “Someone will call in a take-out order from a giant telephone while the other four of us are practicing kung fu onstage,” explains Tony, the team’s captain. “The order will be delivered by our glider.” Perfectly deadpan, he adds, “The music will probably be something Mexican.”
Team Kells Irish danced and then flew.

PILOT: Jessica Gilrein
FLIGHT CREW: Jake Flynn, Chris Harrison, Brooks Masiba, Mike McGinty
ITINERARY: Kells Irish Pub in Portland is rated the Number 1 Irish Restaurant and Pub in the nation. Besides awesome food and drink, Kells offers live Irish music nightly, and each March people travel from far and wide to attend the Kells Portland Irish Festival, a multi-day event that raises thousands of dollars for charity. With many long months until next St. Patrick’s Day, however, it seems that Kells employees Jake Flynn, Jessica Gilrein, Chris Harrison, Brooks Masiba, and Mike McGinty just couldn’t wait for another Irish party, so they’re bringing the high spirits of the Emerald Isle to Red Bull Flugtag Portland.
“Our inspiration was 75 percent Guinness, 24 percent whiskey, and 1 percent sheer stupidity,” laughs Mike, the team captain. ”As to what our craft will be constructed of – I can’t say at this time. But I can tell you that we will bless it with the tears of our opponents.” (Aye, there’s a good lad.) While the team’s construction materials are confidential, their blueprint is not: they’re going to launch a pot of gold crowned with a four-leaf-clover wing. It’s all about luck, in other words. And, Mike says, with the luck of the Irish this team isn’t worried about spanning the Willamette – they’re wondering if they can clear Mount Hood.
1 comment:
Looks like a good time was being had. Nice shots and interesting story.
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