Hair color says a lot. "Look at me!" "I'm brave." "I'm one-of-a-kind!" Some hair color speaks loudly.

Do you think the tattoo is in progress? I myself cannot imagine that someone who made the conscious decision to have hot fuchsia-colored hair would have a bland, outlined only, great big tattoo across her back.
I took these photos on July 24, 2009, at the intersection of SE Hawthorne Blvd. and SE 37th Avenue.
Now of days brilliant hair colour is normal. It sure put a lot of clowns out of work. :)
I would not get a tattoo myself, but they're good inspiration for the writer when people watching.
I always yearn for crazy colored hair -- I'm just too lazy to do it.
I agree with your guess that the tattoo must be a work in progress. I would hope she would get something as colorful as her hair!
I'd guess it was half done. Not a fan of the hair or his pants with all of the holes in them. I bet he paid good money for them and they came with the holes.
I would say it says, wow look at me. That is bright hair.
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