April 2 I stopped after I had passed this young woman so that I could take a photo of her as she crossed NE Sandy at NE 20th. Can you guess what first brought her to my attention? Was it the heavy shopping bags? Her jacket that says Devil Woman on back? Her hat? Nope, it was those platform shoes. I used to wear platform shoes, open-toe sling-backs. Never platform boots. Oh, did you notice the home of Oregon Children's Theatre in the background? Or the yellow Mini Cooper?

Here's the original photo, for comparison.
I guess you have to be young to wear shoes like that. Personally, I would like them better in a darker color.
Cropping it was the right call. I saw the yellows of the two signs and the mini right away.
Honestly I saw the Mini first. I do so want one of those.
Terrific photo. She's a very interesting woman. I like a peek into her mind to see why she wears such shoes and dresses in such an interesting way.
Always crop out as much as possible to focus on the center of interest! Good job!
Shoes first, Cooped second. A match made in heaven.
I don't know how they do it but women always seem to be able to walk in any shoe that's on the market.
so funny
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