Wonder who paid $20 for this framed Portland Trail Blazers basketball schedule and then abandoned it on the street? Maybe someone who tried Miller High Life, The Champagne of Beers for the first time and felt betrayed at the taste? I've never tasted any Miller beer.
And I imagine that originally the framed sign was given to a bar by a Miller salesperson as decor for the bar. On the walk to work November 10, 2011, I came across it leaning up on the fence between two buildings in Southeast Portland.
I have to say, never-say-die-Trail-Blazers fan that I am, something different needs to be done with/for/by my team and/or the coaches. The vagaries of organized basketball escape none of us who watch with a fervor, just as I am sure they never escape those who play and coach. Not winning a game, any game, hurts to the core. Not playing well hurts even more. I surely wouldn't want to be on the airplane home tonight after that loss in double overtime to Dallas.
Sorry, we beat you guys.
Since I am not a basketball fan, I guess I don't understand the raw emotions connected with a loss. Now, if it were football....!!
Basketball isn't my game, which doesn't take away from the photo - I'm liking your "abandoned" series.
Another good one. I think I'll post mine tomorrow.
Opps I forgot about tomorrow. I'll post my shot on Wednesday.
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