Thursday continues. Ian and Kay ride off somewhere in the golf cart. Looks like the ghosts are about the fly off the canopy!

Milton's plastic basket drying rack, tied to the sink's metal frame with white cord.

The opposite end of the sink frame holds a piece of plywood, placed over the opening for the other basket. The S-hooks have been put to use, too.

Milton's at work to stop the cords from fraying.

Now he's pulling on each piece.


Now that he has altered all of the strings that he needs, Milton has moved the plywood, put the things to drip dry in the basket at the opposite end of the sink, and goes about tying this basket into the frame.

In no time at all we're in the truck, heading into the town of Talladega, going to a grocery store, of all places!

The drive took us along several country highways.

This shot reminds of the Blue Ridge over east by the Appalachians.

Lovely home surrounded by trees. I held the camera at the window and clicked off four or five, pointing it to the right as we went by. I got this one, thank goodness.

Imagine our surprise when we came upon TM Cars on the outskirts of Talladega. You see, Milton's first name starts with a T, and at work everyone calls him TM!

We went by the clubhouse at the golf course before we headed for the grocery store. Kay and Ian planned to play later on, so they wanted to find out the hours.

"Reserved Drivers Road Test Only," that's what the blue, diamond-shaped signs read. Looking at the photo, I began to wonder about the building, so I Googled, "Talladega Alabama county." That's where I learned that the building is the Talladega County Courthouse. Isn't the Internet wonderful?

I took this photo through the passenger window of the truck. Since I didn't know the name of the theater, I went to Google again. I learned that it was built in 1936 and used to be called the Martin Theatre--now it's the Ritz. It has been restored and reopened as a multi-use community arts center.

I took this photo through the windshield. I can't remember the last time I saw this sort of traffic signal.
More of our tour of Talladega to come.
Is there something more modern than this traffic light? Honest. This is what we have here in Ohio almost everywhere I have ever been. I thought it was like grandma's apple pie. None better.
I chose a picture I took 55 years ago of my Patty wearing a red dress. On April Fool's Day, April 1, 1955.
I gave her a diamond engagement ring, and today, April 1, 2010 is my entry for theme day on my Brookville Daily Photo blog.
I want to go camping.
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