After work I walked to the bus and rode west across the river to walk to a downtown sandwich shop where I ate a quick, light supper. Then I walked to the Antoinette Hatfield Hall for my scheduled volunteer usher shift.

Usually we volunteers get to take a seat once the house lights go down, but the patron turnout tonight took all of the seats, so I essentially stood up 95% of the time from 6:15 p.m. until headed home on the MAX about 9:20 p.m.
Not that I'm down or out, though. I'll be up and ready to go after a good night's sleep, courtesy of Portland's cool night breezes and an Aleve.
Oh, I took these photos at the nearby Urban Outfitter on NW 23rd and West Burnside. I thought they perfectly fit how my feet feel.
Excellent pics to go with that schedule. You just go-go-go don't you?
Sounds like a long day. Cool shots, but they look like they are for skinny people, I would be out.
I like pix of store windows, I don't know why. Anyway, thanks :) I hope your feet recover soon!
Hello! Me ha gustado el post :) Un saludo!
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