A TriMet graphic/web designer came across the photos on my blog, and Monday she e-mailed to ask if they could use some of them on their home page and in a promotional article for local farmers markets as well as how to use TriMet to visit those markets.
Well, I was some kind of excited! The only thing I said besides "OK" was "Do I get a photo credit?"
She used three of my photos! The one on the home page has my name in the lower right corner, and my name shows up when you run the mouse over the photo. The two photos in the article (which you get to by clicking Learn More) have a caption that shows up as you mouse-over them. By the way I could only get the mouse-over move to to work on the PC at work, not on my iBook.
Please click on TriMet to see what I'm talking about!
And here are the three photos, too. Well, actually she cropped all of them, but you get the picture!

Congratulations! I don't blame them for wanting to use them. Good for you!
Geez, I'm excited for you. Very cool opportunity. Seeing your pics, I'm not surprised they'd want to use them. Congratulations.
Congrats on your success! The pictures are really great. It whets the appetite for more.
Congratulations. The colors are amazing. Looks like something out of an old Martha Stewart cookbook.
Congratulations! That really is exciting about the use of your photos and getting name credit! Absolutely, you should get full credit on the photos! They are really nice. I can see why they wanted to use them. I love the patterns as well as the color.
About the bridge in Astoria, yes, they're going to paint this one. The had a lane closed the other day for the estimate to be made. I wasn't on the bridge, but it probably didn't slow down traffic. The bridge is very important to us, but it doesn't exactly fill up like the ones in PDX. I don't know the details yet, and I'm in New York this week, so I'll find out when I get back. I sure hope it stays the same color. The sunlight on that green is just beautiful. I'm sure the bridge will be seen on the blog in other ways in the days to come. They just finished 9.5 million dollars worth of work on the other bridge and you can't see any difference, because it was mostly structural. That figure also did not include paving, which is much needed and will come next!
Contrats! How cool is that? I saw all three, they are great. Happy Mothers day to you and mama, if I dont get to comment before Sunday.
How exciting!! Congrats!!
I've been following your blog for many months because I'm a Portlandite so I enjoy your photos. I don't get out much (I'm a hermit of sorts) but because of your blog I'm getting to see parts of my city that I've never seen before. (Or if I have seen them, it was decades ago and everything has since changed.) Thank you for your blog.
I knew you when...
Congratulations! How exciting! The photo looks great on the great on the TriMet site!
I bet you are excited. A ten year high. LOL
My Birds Blog
How exciting!!! A wonderful thing....and they were/are great photos!
That's so exciting. Congratulation! I checked the TRIMET website and saw your photos and name! GREAT!
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