Since Friday evening, I have been up against it, ill with fever, chills that jerked my hands, arms and legs, aches. The doctor diagnosed a urinary tract infection, once I felt like I could drive myself to his office Tuesday morning; my children were hiking and camping in the Mt. Hood area, as you can see if you scroll down to my Tuesday, Sept. 16, post. I am not back to normal, but I do feel like putting something on the blog--I have taken my last big white antibiotic tablet, but I don't think I feel as if I'm making much of a move away from it, as far as the fever is concerned for sure. I plan to call the doctor back tomorrow to seek a follow-up test and maybe a prescription refill.

Rest assured, I haven't felt good enough to feel guilty about missing these days of blogging, but in my heart of hearts, I have missed it deeply, which includes most of all visiting your wonderful blogs.
I haven't even turned on my camera--that's how bad it's been. I took these photos the same day I took the ones of the crane, either through my sunglasses or not. I posted them on Sunday, Sept. 14.
Upon reflection I realize that, before long, I will be far away from it and back in the swing of things.
I hope you get over what you got soon. No fun being sick.
I like the crane, it looks like it goes through the building.
You'll be back on your feet in no time Lynette.
Once you see my post for today you'll be smiling, I guarantee it.
Get lots of rest.
I had a feeling you were sick! Definitely get a prescription refill. Most people don't get antibiotics for long enough and if you don't wipe out the infection it will lie dormant and then come back! It takes a lot longer to kill it off than most doctors prescribe for nowadays.
I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well! I'm glad to know you're on the mend.
These photos are great, and thanks for taking the time to post them for us.
I hope you get over that infection soon, I am not doctor by any means>but I do play one on TV<, so I will say....take a lots of liquids to help you with that "thing". Nice hot tea will be great.
On other subject, I like your photos from around the Pearl.
So if you are anytime soon in our neighborhood let us know, so we can have nice pint/cocktail.
Cheers and God bless.
"Louis" hopes you beat this bug soon!
I hope you are feeling better now....I hate having chills....it just wears you out......hope to see you soon back to yourself!
Hope you're feeling better soon. Love your photos!
Hi Lynette! After a short break but a long absence I’m finally back to the blogosphere and found some time to enjoy your excellent blog…
Sad to read that you're feeling sick, but things will surely improve in the next days!
Loved to see the cranes. Amazing pictures!!
Many thanks for your comments on Blogtrotter, while I was off. It’s now still in Kos on the way to Crete! Hope you enjoy and wish you a great weekend and a nice week ahead!
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