Do you have these advertising trucks in your city? I've seen several different sorts here in Portland, from an entire Ikea room set up in a sort of box to these rolling billboards. I took this photo at lunch recently, while I sat on the bench in the park. I missed the Ikea truck, doggone it.
I'm clearly very susceptible to advertising because I'm now fully prepared to eat whatever fried food that is.
LOL, wendyb is funny. We have some around here. I wonder what the cost is to advertise on one of them?
We had them but I'm not sure if they are still around.
It seems to me that at one time council refused a guy a license because they didn't like the idea of a truck just cruising around serving no useful purpose.
When you think of all the trucks that actually make deliveries that could rent ad space on the side of the van this certainly isn't a green concept.
I already forgot what the ad was for.
Yup! La même chose ici!
Oh yeah, they're all over Sydney! Small trucks, big trucks, small cars, motorcycles dragging a box with advertising writ all over it...
We're so inundated!
Phew! They get in where a draft wouldn't!
The comment above....on a motorcycle? Phew! Where would I fit? LOL!
This is a great shot, Lynette. I love how you catch so many interesting things where you live!
I see them sometimes in Philadelphia, and I Love them : )! So cute!
we have those here in manila as well. :) i wonder though how higher fuel prices will affect that business.
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