By the way, please take a look at Monday and Tuesday, too, because I have made the H week, in honor of my maiden and married last names, and in honor of my wonderful two sons' first names--they're each named for one of my beloved grandfathers. And if you, like, please come back for Thursday and Friday, too.
Happy ABC Wednesday!
Now, an extremely important aside:
I am repeating something that I had already added to Monday's post. Thanks for taking a moment to read and to click on the links.
To me blogging is a community of like-minded individuals who care about each other, about what each of us decides to reveal about our lives in our posts. We demonstrate that we care about where we live, that we believe certain things and abhor others. We support each other by clicking, reading, and commenting. Please take a moment to read this post at Wendy Brandes Jewelry. Click on the links "fabulous auction of jewelry and immortality" and "Stephanie (NieNie) and Christian Nielson's medical expenses" and "Stephanie Nielson and her family." You will read about Stephanie, a 27-year-old mother of four, and Christian, her 29-year-old husband. and the hand that fate has dealt them. You will read about your opportunity to help, either here through WendyB's efforts or at Stephanie’s sister’s blog.
I'm at $1500 now -- cross your fingers, I want to get to $2000 at least.
Greate photo for H:)
Very cool
I love your "H" this week, Lynette! I like doing mini-themes, as you know.
A couple of thoughts:
1- Thanks for the Stephanie news and links.
2- Funny about your riding in an MG with your cousin and boyfriend. I used to ride in a Corvette with my cousin and her boyfriend.
3-Did you see Junior (and other drivers) on Letterman tonight?
4-How is Mama doing?
Beautiful photo of that building.
Bear((( )))
Great photos, Lynette! Love thoses buildings.
I will soon to see the post at Wendy.
i just love the detail they put into these older buildings!
"Louis" is Happy you are continuing the "H"-series all week - and that you are showing us more of this fine old building. "They just don't build them like they used to."
I love this picture! I love architecture. So beautiful!
Beautiful photo of this building with all the sunlight and shadows...
I think I clicked the links a couple of days ago. I remember the names and couldn't forget this building. I like this shot too.
My post for H (hair) is over at Canon Pixels
intricate indeed. great photo. :)
great picture of an awesome looking building.
Cool looking building. Love the architecture and shadowplay. Nice work.
That brickwork is si inticate. Lve the toush of blue in the window. I never tire of these kind of shops.
I agree with your thoughhs on the blogging community and will be going to those links.
Here lies great details, thanks for sharing.
Happy H WEEK! Great posts, all. You put a lot of thought into each post!
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