New Year's Resolutions? Why weight yourself down with that word, resolution?
I prefer the word concept, as in, according to Merriam-Webster Online, something conceived in the mind, a thought, a notion; or an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances.
So, I'm here to say that in my mind, balance is the watchword in 2009. For me it's not abstract, it's particular. As in balance between eating and exercise, being creative and being lazy, being curious and being dull. I guess you could say, though, that I'm really leaning one way on those last two, towards being creative and being curious. Maybe it's abstract, after all. Lots about life can be, can't it?
I took this photo on Dec. 31, walking along NW 23rd, after having walked to the pharmacy to get a refill of one of Mama's prescriptions. I took a circuitous route back, looking for two things, exercise and photo ops. It's a good thing I did that yesterday, because in the last 24 hours, we've had 1.33 inches of rain in Portland, with the certainty of much more in the next 24.
Do you go out on purpose, looking for things to photograph?
Happy New Year and thanks for thoughtful wishes. I wish you to be same and an exciting 2009.
"Louis" wishes you all the best this New Year!
("Louis" has been so busy with his new espresso shop, he hasn't been able to visit for quite some time...)
I can't believe it -- a unicycle!
Perfect balance - what a great wish for the new year.
Hope you and yours have a wonderful New 2009.
RE your question - I go out often during the weekend just to photograph, and during the week, I have the camera ready for whatever comes my way. Doing the blog has been a real awakening to my surroundings.
Blessings to you, Mama and your sons for a great, healthy, fulfilling new year. We just have to plan a CDP get-together someday, perhaps this spring??
I read somewhere that new year resolutions don't work cos the expectation is too great. I love the word balance. It's important in everything, especially life! Occasionally I go out to photograph an event that I know is on - ie the Grand Prix in Monaco or say a Fair in Menton but I mostly go out and just walk about and see what happens. Something ALWAYS appears to photograph. But yes, if you mean do I go out of the house especially to take pics - yes, absolutely.
Thanks so much for your recent kind comments, Lynette. Wishing you and your family a very happy and peaceful 2009.
I really like this shot because the kid on the monocycle (forget the proper name) brings back a lot of memories of those times, some 65-70 years ago when kids were trying desperately to ride these things. I knew only one boy, Bob Shepherd) who ever did learn how. Bob is now 75 and retired to Florida. I like the red color and the yellow color. Makes a nice post.
Brookville Daily Photo
As a family, we go out looking for photo opportunities. It's helped us get to know our own town better, too. It's all good.
That's a brilliant catch and the colours just pop. As a photographer I have to be constantly aware of things to photograph, just like this. Happy New Year.
Yes, I often go out "looking" for images. Some days, however, it's more a matter of simply having a camera at hand while doing routine errands. I think the more you look, the more you see. The process, for me anyway, is cumulative.
Happy New Year, Lynette!
You take nice photos. I enjoy checking out this blog from time to time, I remember the mushroom hunting pics you posted not too long ago, those were great, enchanting and mossy images of the great pacific northwest.
I am a fitness nut and I have a suggestion re physical balance. Do you ever go on long walks or hikes? In my experience, diets don't work for anyone, but changing your daily routine so that it involves physical activity can make that balance between eating and activity much easier. Walking. As much as possible. For some it's the only route to physical balance in our modern sedentary culture.
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