At first I thought I'd make a post about Lamont's birthday today, then later on make one about Leland's birthday. However, they're together, as brothers should be, in lots of photos, so I'm combining their birthday posts today.

In this photo, Lamont is between four and five and Leland is between one and two.

Lamont was three years, one month, and one week old when Leland as born.

When Leland was six weeks old in December, 1978, the four of us moved from Kansas City, Kansas, to Jackson, Mississippi. My parents came in their Winnebago so the kids and I could ride with them. My husband LeRoy drove the Ryder truck. My brother came, too, in his own vehicle to help out with any and everything. Here we are, early spring 1979, at the John Bell Williams airport out from Raymond, Mississippi. Our friends had flown down from KC to visit us, in that airplane right there beside us. I'm holding our older son Lamont. LeRoy is holding our younger son Leland. LeRoy and I loved our prescription glasses that got darker out in the sunshine. We look pretty doggone cool, I think.

Our friend, Ronnie, the pilot. Our friend Lyndall, holding Lamont. My sweet, dearly departed husband LeRoy, holding a dozing Leland.

Baby Leland with me, his Mama.

About 1990, Lamont and Leland with their great-grandmother Vivian, my Daddy's Mama. If it really is 1990, then she's celebrating her 92nd birthday!

Mama and Daddy's backyard. We've got seated, left to right my Aunt Baker and JL's grandson Patrick, my son Leland, Patrick's fraternal twin brother Michael. Standing, left to right, my son Lamont, and the twins' older brother Steven. Lamont is in 6th grade.

Lamont and Leland horsing around on Leland's 21st birthday.

Leland's kindergarten graduation.

I think this is kindergarten, too.

I think Lamont's about 18 months old here. We're still living in Kansas City; he's wearing a sailor hat that he loved to wear.

Our cutie's a bit tired here.

Precious son Lamont.

Precious son Leland.

Lamont with Papaw, my Daddy. Lamont's got a Tupperware lettuce storage bowl on his head. He loved to wear it!

Leland's a few months old here--it's 1979.

Lamont's standing on a chair in our house in Kansas City, at the kitchen sink.

The guys are six and three here.

Here they're four and one. Love that jacket on Lamont and that bow tie on Leland.

LeRoy with Lamont who is probably close to one year old.

LeRoy with Leland who is probably five or six months old.

My two precious sons. I love them very much.

Lamont and Papaw.

Grandma and Leland.

The guys, taken on July 9, 2004. They got up early to see us off back to Mississippi before they had to go to work at their respective restaurants.

And here they are, the photo that I started the week with--I took it on 9/11/2010.