I took six photos, deleted a fuzzy one. I put the fourth one first, out of sequence. Here they are in sequence, in a smaller size. This sunshine won't last all day, but while it's here, it's glorious!
7:44 a.m., Jan. 4, 2009
7:45 a.m., Jan. 4, 2009
7:49 a.m., Jan. 4, 2009
7:50.36, Jan. 4, 2009
7:50.53 a.m., Jan. 4, 2009
Which time do you like the best? I'm curious.
In case you want to read it, here's a sunrise poem I found online.
O rising Sun, so fair and gay,
What are you bringing me, I pray,
Of sorrow or of joy to-day?
You look as if you meant to please,
Reclining in your gorgeous ease
Behind the bare-branched apple-trees.
The world is rich and bright, as though
The pillows where your head is low
Had lit the fields of driven snow.
The hoar-frost on the window turns
Into a wood of giant ferns
Where some great conflagration burns.
And all my children comes again
As lightsome and as free from stain
As those frost-pictures on the pane.
I would that I could mount on high
And meet you, Sun--that you and I
Had to ourselves the whole wide sky.
But here my poor soul has to stay,
So tell me, rising Sun, I pray,
What are you bringing me to-day?
What shall this busy brain have thought,
What shall these hands and feet have wrought,
What sorrows shall the hours have brought,
Before thy brilliant course is run,
Before this new-born day is done,
Before you set, O rising Sun?
Frederick George Scott
(1861 - 1944)
I found this about Mr. Scott online, at various sites:
Notes on Life and Works
Frederick George Scott, known as "the poet of the Laurentians," was born in Montreal in 1861 and educated at Bishop's College, Lennoxville (B.A., 1881), and King's College, London (M.A., 1884). Made an Anglican priest in 1886, he become rector of St. Matthew's Church in Quebec city. He published 13 books of poetry in his lifetime. During the first world war Scott served as chaplain to the Canadian First Division and published his experiences in The Great War as I Saw It (1922). He died in 1944, leaving a daughter and four sons, one of whom, F. R. Scott, was a poet like his father.
Canon Frederick George Scott was the padre of the 1st Division of the Canadian Corps and the confidant, friend and spiritual guide to many generals, officers and enlisted men during the war. When he returned from the war he continued to be revered by thousands. In 1934 he published The Great War as I Saw It, a memoir of his experiences. He is also known as a poet of religious, inspirational and patriotic poetry. During the Quebec Conference, held in the summer of 1943, Canon Scott was invited by Churchill and Roosevelt to a private meeting where he read some of this poetry.
Tough choice but I'd go for 7:49 a.m. and those colours.
We've had a generous sun here today as well but it doesn't help a lot at this time of year of course as far as warmth is concerned.
7:45 is just delicious!
I hate having to pick...7:49 if I must answer!
7:49 is amazing. I love sunrises, I get to see them almost every morning!
7.49 but all are amazing in colour.
I like 7:45 the best.
i like the first shot of the sequence the best :) i might have to borrow your idea for a future post - i like it!
I'm partial to 7:44
I love to shoot sunsets. I get a great thrill out of seeing other's shots of the sundown. It gives me new challenges.
Check out my collection (I think I have posted 38 shots on my blog over the last two years ) here
They all look good, but I like 7:44 the best with the slight bluish tint.
I like the purple in the first one....but they are all very nice! I posted my doggies here if you would like to see them....
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