Wednesday, November 14, 2012

VW van, seen on the street, No. 1


I see a VW van heading west on lots of mornings while waiting for my first leg of the morning commute. That van's color scheme is just the same as this one. I'll have to remember to check the license plate one morning soon, maybe even get a photo of it, if I see it coming in time.

In this particular photo, the VW van is near where I work, heading east, right after I got off work August 13, 2010.


Randy said...

Nothing cuter than a bug bus.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to believe but I remember when the first VWs were imported into this country and a guy in our department, at work, ordered one and it he waited 6 months for it to get here. The whole department went out to the parking lot to look at it as it was the first anybody had seen up close. And people said, "It kinda looks like a beetle." It was not that long after when our boss bought one and it was a "van." I am not sure how long between the Beetle and the van but it didn't seem that long back then.

Jack said...

I like the feeling of this photo, Lynette.

Anonymous said...

Nice... I had one that was green on the bottom, spring green on the top and an electric blue stripe around the middle (stock paint)... loved those busses...