If I were of a mind to, I could turn right a few feet past this pink sandwich board sign and enter ...

... this pink, mid-century-looking building where I could buy myself a Voodoo Doughnut. However, to do so would defeat the purpose of walking. I've lived in Northeast Portland since the last week of January, 2011, and have yet to walk over and buy myself a doughnut. Not only do I not actually
need a doughnut, I haven't been in there since the last time I stopped by with Mama in the car, to pick up a couple of glazed for her. She loved to stop on the way home from a check-up with one or another of her doctors, most of the time with Lamont as her driver. Sooner or later, I'll go on in and buy my favorite Voodoo Doughnut, the Chocolate cake, a plain cake doughnut with chocolate frosting.
Click here to read all about Voodoo Doughnuts, including the expansive and eclectic menu.
Here's what I found on the Voodoo Doughnut's Web site: There are three locations.
This one is #2. Voodoo Doughnut Too
1501 N.E. Davis St. in Portland Oregon, U.S.A.
phone 503.235.2666
OPEN 24 hours 7 days a week, Cash only, ATMs available
Voodoo Doughnut Too is located where Sandy, Davis and 15th meet.
We are just across the street from Portland's famous Sandy Hut. You can't miss the pink box building!
20,000 square feet of parking, 800 square feet of seating inside. Bubble Hockey too!
P.S. I HATE the new BLOGGER whatever they call it because I cannot get any blank lines to show up between what I consider to be paragraphs. HATE IT! Paragraphs are necessary entities when one is writing. Get real, Google! And I'm quite certain that back whenever it was that they announced this new whatever they call it, I went to their comments or some such and complained up one side and the other about not being able to have a blank line in between what I consider to be paragraphs. Did I hear one word in answer? Nope, not one word. WISE UP, GOOGLE! I've tried indenting what I consider to be paragraphs, leaving an untold number of blank lines on the post as I'm working on it, between sentences to try to force the formation of a paragraph. NOTHING HELPS! RATS, GOOGLE! If I could get this to work, my P.S. would not be jammed up against the rest of this post. Can you notice the bold, italicized section? Every bit of that, copied and pasted from the Web site, was single, short lines, up against the left margin. See what I mean? I HATE the new BLOGGER interface!
I looked into switching over to wordpress, but it seems such a hassle. I could go for a voodoo doughnut or two :-)
I don't think I could go into a place that pink. I wonder if the Bump sign refers to the fat tummy Voodoo's regular customers get from eating all those donuts.
I don't complain much about blogger, even when it doesn't work the way I like. It is free.
I can commiserate with you on the paragraph spacing. I just give up and go fix it later on my computer.
I have a question for you about image modification. I would like to isolate an object in a picture and change the background behind it - completely blank it out and add something like a muted tone background. Do you know of any program capable of doing this (that a complete layperson could use)?
Congrats, Jack! You're the first to comment on the BUMPS AHEAD street sign and the instant subliminal message I got from it in relation to the doughnut and one's body shape!
Karen, I don't know of such a Web site for photo modification that does what you're asking. I wish I did 'cause I'd share it with you and enjoy it myself.
Nor do I know of a program, although I've heard that Photoshop lets you do this, but then again, I'm not spending money on Photoshop.
I do like an effect I used on Ipiccy, for tomorrow's post. Come back and check out the orton effect.
However do you fix the no blank lines later on your computer?
We like to stop at Voodoo Doughnuts whenever we drive through Portland, even though there's usually a 1/2 hour wait!
I go into the post editor - you can use HTML or just regular compose format and add lines then.
I've seen Voodoo Donuts on the Food Channel and in a magazine. Sounds like a great place.
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