About 9:15 a.m., I'm at the corner of W. Burnside and NW 21st, waiting for the 15 bus to take me close to Pioneer Courthouse Square, July 25, watching traffic and pedestrians. I heard the motorcycle and turned to my left, looked, thought "Photo opportunity," lifted the camera to my eye from around my neck, and snapped this one. It doesn't do his deep tan justice, nor did I get his mustache, doggone it. While he's no spring chicken, you certainly can't tell it from this photo. And when I looked at the photo at its largest size on Flickr, I think I saw a scar on his knee, like he might have scraped it on some pavement somewhere sometime. And then I noticed a pale turquoise X on his thigh. What? A band-aid maybe? I just don't know.
Anyway, I wasn't out waiting for a bus just to take photos of interesting passers-by. I was headed for Pioneer Courthouse Square to meet up with a some of the Portland Center for the Performing Arts Tour Guides. Our latest perk, a tour of the public art on TriMet's Yellow Line Max, with Valerie Otani, one of the artists who helped plan and create it. Here's a bit from TriMet's Web site:
Art on Interstate MAX Yellow Line
Artwork at every stop along the MAX Yellow Line draws from the history and culture of the area to create a unique identity for each station.
With over 40 local artists contributing artwork and 75 community members participating in forums and committees, the art along MAX Yellow Line is a proud reflection of a historically rich and vital part of Portland.
Y'all know I'm going to put photos here soon! Hope you'll come back to look.
You always happened to be at the right place at the right time catching all these interesting events and characters.
This is a great photo Lynette. As one that used to own a bike about this size I just cringe every time I see someone riding with flip-flops or going for the Roman look with the sandles. I don't know, maybe today that's the preferred safety footware of all discerning riders.
P.S. Maybe you could get some flames like that put on the Buick. :-)
All I can think of is ouch as his bare skin scrapes down the highway.
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