Over the next few days, I'll share photos that I took and bits of information about the that Peter shared with us--it was right up my alley!
Remember the Pioneer Courthouse Square Mile Sign Post? One of the destination it points toward is Portlandia. (Click on the link to find out all about her.)
I took this photo from the second floor of a building across the street from the Portland Building.
I took this photo from the sidewalk right beneath Portlandia.
I took this photo looking back at Portlandia.
Here's one more photo that I took from the sidewalk beneath Portlandia. Peter had told us that he'd been taking 3rd graders on tours lately--he always tells them that Portlandia's dropped an onion ring out of her hand.
Here's the onion ring, a sculpture at a building one block west of Portlandia's home. I wish I could remember the name of the building and the sculpture, but I can't. One of these days I will go there and see if there's a plaque that I can photograph.
What a wonderful opportunity, and a beautiful sculpture. Onion ring huh?? Hmmmmm.
Have a great weekend.
Those are great pictures! There are some wonderful things to see in Portland, for sure. It's like a treasure chest - photos waiting to be taken - I can't wait to see more from your walk.
I always thought the Standard Plaza across from Portlandia should install a couple of dice. Portlandia looks like she is playing craps.
Gosh, that is an awesome statue! I wished I seen it when I visited Portland years ago.
Portland is looks like she is playing craps.
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portlandia is something amazing to see. i remember when we first moved to portland she was one of the first things i wanted to see. we got turned around downtown, thought we were lost and as we turned a corner there she was. breathtaking and overwhelming. im sure a number of bugs flew into my mouth as i stood there gasping at her size. i adore your "eyes" of such a beautiful city.
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