I took this photo after work on November 3 as I waited for the 12 or the 19 bus home. I'd been to have a check up on the floaters in my right eye, rode the Yellow Line MAX to Kaiser Interstate and then back downtown to the Transit Mall so I could transfer to a bus. I like watching folks walk across SW 6th Avenue while I wait. They are heading north towards the intersection with SW Yamhill which is the south side of Pioneer Courthouse Square. I'm very pleased with how this photo turned out. All I've done is crop it to better showcase these two random pedestrians, or should I say three since the man's reflection is so clear in the window? The big X is inside a branch of Chase Bank. Oh, and the floaters in my eye have diminished--hooray!
You should be pleased. It's excellent.
Love the motion, love the color, and love the feet!
looking at photos like this from Portland, i wish the rest of the US were this pedestrian and transit friendly.
oh, and glad your eye is okay!
That's the spirit of the season...thanks for visiting.
We miss our moms the most now right?
Very nice slice of urban life, particularly that white streak - a reflection of some light, I assume - that amplifies the sense of motion.
I've only visited Portland twice but I remember being impressed by the public transit system, especially compared to here.
Wonderful movement in this shot. I love it.
Love these kinds of shots. They make for fun speculation - like who are they and what are they doing and what is their life like and why are they out wandering the streets?
In this case they're not paying any attention to each other. That's kinda funny, 'cause most men would turn and take a look at the woman as he walked by. Well, that's what I've been told, anyway!
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