The woman standing on the boulder caught my eye. Immediately I notice the woman leaning on the boulder, and my eye continued to the left. Photo shoot, I surmised. The woman on the boulder appears to be holding a little black dress, used here to block incoming sunlight. The photographer stands to the left of the tree trunk, wearing a long-sleeved pale yellow shirt and a brimmed, black hat. I think the man farther left is the hair/make-up guy--I can see brushes and spray bottles and such in the pouched, black bag hanging across his chest.

Another shot on the other side of the tree trunk, which along with the boulder, stands inside the sidewalk on SW 3rd Avenue, on the eastern edge of Chapman Square.

A fresh-air closet on the sidewalk that diagonally intersects Chapman Square from SW 3rd and SW Madison to SW 4th and SW Main consisted of a rack of hanging garments, a hanging bag and a suitcase. Surely the woman on the bench was a member of the creative party, too; why else would the rack and the suitcase be so close to her?

The model and the dresser walk toward the Women's Restroom at Chapman Square. The glass block window is in its brick walls. I love those ferns you see along its walls. I don't know whose bags you see partially visible; no one else was nearby.

The last photo I took before I headed off to catch the bus back to work. They are headed off to take the next series of photos.
beautiful models to compliment the park....or is it the other way around?
what a scene.
Making the next Hollywood blockbuster?
Thank you for visiting.
A very nice group of pics catching young people at work in the arts. I have noticed that I see more young folks practicing photography these days than I used to.
An excellent location for photo taking.
You caught some nice ones here.
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