Friday, June 11, 2010

The dynamic duo, back in the day

Like many have mentioned, looking back on the good memories helps us. I took this fine photo on June 3, 2007, in front of our building. Mama had let Duncan have the leash, so much so that he must have pulled all of it out of the handle! I can guarantee that once she got down the steps, she reeled him in so that he was a safe distance from the curb and our busy, busy street.

Don't they both look grand?


Yolanda said...

How sweet is he! I had a doxie/terrier mix - I lost her over two years ago and not a day goes by that I don't think of her and miss her so much. They do add such depth and meaning to our lives.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are sharing these wonderful memories of Duncan. I know it must be bittersweet.

Bless you today ... I hear it's supposed to be a beautiful one!

Anonymous said...

You asked where I walk ... most of my photos come from right here where I live - rural Wilsonville. The nearby former 'Living Enrichment Center' provides an amazing array of photo ops as well. If you google the Living Enrichment Center you will understand - 42 acres of buildings, parking lots, wetlands, and green space that are overgrown, vandalized and neglected. Across the street they also have 50 acres of woods, trees, canyon and creek that are amazing.

My (extended) family has a combined 50 acres that encompasses some of the same forest/canyon property ... and Metro just purchased an additional 100 or so acres just down the road.

Anyway, if you ever need a place to go for a walk, hop on over here and check it out. You can soon park at the new Metro spot on Wilsonville Road and wander til your feet fall off. It's a beautiful area!