Tired-looking little Mama in the living area, artwork above her. Almost every single wall had at least one piece of artwork hanging on it.

The TV in the living area.

The counter in the kitchen area. H and V let us borrow their blender for Mama's daily Shaklee Protein drink.

The table and the "business center" area. There's Honk, my little iBook!

TV, dresser, artwork and lamp in the bedroom.

The huge, extremely comfortable beds and more artwork.

The artwork in the bathroom.

The shower with the provided shower seat.

We settled in and rest for a while before H and V came to get us for supper. We enjoyed a delicious, great-to-be-with-each-other meal at Vasilios in Madison before heading back for a good night's sleep. Thanks, H and V!
Gosh, leave your laptop and I could live there for a week or two. Nice.
I looks like a nice place to stay! A very good place with pretty details.
Mama has got the right idea - take a chill pill!
Did I miss your Birthday? Hope it was a good one.
I think Mama is hiding something next to her on that sofa. Maybe a handheld video poker machine.
I think Krise and I could disappear to a room like that for a week or two. Oh, you could leave your little Mac for us too.
Wow, snazzy hotel room!
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