Here's the dynamic duo, headed towards the Buick as I had driven up and stopped to get them where they waited outside the airport baggage area. I had already put Lucy's bag into the trunk when I went to fetch the car. On the drive into Portland proper, Mama said for me to watch for somewhere to stop for something to drink and maybe a bite to eat.

At the traffic signal to the left of this building, I had read on their window, among other words, "coffee" and "milkshakes," so I suggested we give it a try. Both of them were game, so I circled. We parked on NE Sandy Blvd., right beside the door to Fairley's Pharmacy.

Y'all know Mama will be 83 in January, well, Lucy's two years older. Both of them had a time getting out of the car, so much so that we got the giggles.

You cannot tell from this photo, but the height of the platform running along the counter with the stools on it made it impossible for the three of us to sit there without risking a terrible fall. And I wish you could tell how much wider the building is at this point--it's one of those triangle-shaped ones seen here and there in Portland, on both sides of the river.

This splendid machine made me a fine chocolate milkshake, with the help of the skilled young woman manning the counter.

Here's my shake, with the rest of it waiting patiently in the metal container from the milkshake machine.

The soda counter turns the corner, going towards the prescription counter. Inside the small glass case we found some good-looking shortbread cookies, some even dipped half-way into chocolate.

I really like the retro-look of the "Prescriptions" sign.

The girls each ordered a 12-ounce house coffee. Lucy asked for milk for her coffee. She gave it a generous dose of what turned out to be half and half, plus some sugar. Mama takes hers black.

As Lucy stirs her coffee with my milkshake spoon, Mama pours a bit of water into hers--she always has to do that because it's either too hot or too strong. And there you see our shortbread cookies; they turned out to be very good.

Revived, Lucy called her sister Winnie, down in Jackson, Mississippi, to let her know she'd arrived safe and sound. I got Mama to lean over and smile for another photo.

Just before we left to get into the car, both of them graciously posed for me again, standing beside the stools--ain't they sweet?
After our delightful interlude at Fairley's Pharmacy, we wandered around Portland's Hollywood District, looking for the great big Fred Meyer grocery store that I had been to once, as a passenger in June, 2006. I just couldn't find that store, and then I accidentally got us onto I-84, heading into the city, so we exited at Lloyd Center, a shopping mall. You see, we were not looking for groceries alone, we were looking for a jewelry department where we hoped to get Mama's chain repaired or replaced so that she could once again where her heart pendant. Lo and behold, we found a handicapped parking spot right beside a door to the mall--Mama has a rear-view-mirror-hang-tag. Then, for more lo and behold, we found a jewelry store right inside that very door. And the store manager made Mama a deal she couldn't refuse on a new chain. Oh, joy! Mission accomplished. Then we went to our neighborhood Fred Meyer to buy some groceries before heading to the apartment. Right now they're playing a card game they love, called Hand and Foot. Duncan's curled up beside me on the couch as I blog. "Bridget Jones' Diary" just finished on Lifetime, and I'm waiting for the local weather forecast on KGW-TV.
I've taken vacation all week, and we're spending Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the Pacific Coast, in Lincoln City. Duncan can go with us, and the place has wifi! I'll keep y'all posted on our fun times.
Sunday evening we're going to 3 Doors Down Cafe for dinner; Leland and Kailey are joining us, and Lamont will be cooking, so it'll be a neat night.
Looks like a good time (and a delicious shake). Don't let those ladies get into trouble! They look a little wild.
Quite an adventure with a happy ending! Have fun at Lincoln City! Watch some waves for us :)
Hi to Lucy! I've got to show this to my husband as occasionally he will wax poetic about having a 'real' milkshake made in a metal container that they sit down in front of you. Glad you have a whole week off. Enjoy your stay in Lincoln City. Try the Blackfish Cafe (right on 101) for some really good food -- the lamb stew made my husband swoon. Son and I had the parmesan crusted rock fish on pasta that was wonderful.
Sounds and looks like a neat little soda fountain. Are there penny machines in Lincoln City?
We stayed at the Ameristar Hotel when we were in Vicksburg, I think we hit all of the casinos.
Great fun! "Louis" loves the retro drug store! How ever did it survive? It's great that it has!
How fun to have an old friend visit from afar! I would never have guessed both were in their 80's. I guess it's the good genes. :D
How interesting to have a pharmacy and ice cream fountain in one place. It looks like a fun place to hang out and talk. I can't get over how big that cup of coffee is. It could keep me up all night. Hope you ladies have fun on vacation and look forward to more photos.
You guys are the cutest things I think I've ever seen. We love this pharmacy--their milkshakes really are the best! (and that Freddy's is on Broadway and 30th--yep, it's a big one).
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