Still no nausea to speak of--hooray! I haven't had to take any meds for that since Sunday.
Still dealing with peripheral neuropathy, which continues to wax and wane. I talked with the oncology pharmacist about it today. She gave me an option stronger than Tylenol in case it gets so bad that I cannot sleep. Here's hoping that doesn't happen.
Thank you for your continued prayers, love and concern. They mean the world to me, y'all.

This is lunch. I decided that I wanted to try to make an egg, veggie, chicken, and cheese scramble, then put it into a flour tortilla. Yummy, so doggone yummy. Cool that I had enough for two! I love having leftovers because it makes being versatile like this easy. I drank water from my 28-ounce mug.

This is supper. More leftovers--the baked chicken, the baked sweet potato, and the steamed broccoli. I added the fresh green grapes and cherries. Believe it or not, the flavors melded in a most pleasing manner. Naturally, I drank some water with my supper.

I'm happy and full and ready to watch some more NYPD Blue episodes on Amazon Prime Instant Video. I am totally blessed. I took this photo of my TV this morning, to share with someone at work--I knew that he'd be thrilled for me to have this beauty in my apartment.
Thinking about you, Lynette.
The only time I've had cramps like that in my legs were in my teen years- growing pains could act up.
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