Smiling, posing people, three among many in a long line on a sunny Portland sidewalk. Enough clues yet?
Photo finished. All returned to the line, snaking and turning. Her T-shirt says it all, "Go The Distance." One more clue, top and just left of center.
Ah, yes. Voodoo Doughnut, site of the often lengthy line of folks bent upon getting there to get their sweet fix in downtown Portland at SW 3rd and SW Ankeny. Where's Josh Hailey in all this?
Here's the multi-tasker. On the phone, buying additional parking time at the kiosk. Today, Sunday, Josh no longer needs parking time in Portland. He's off to the state of Washington. Un bon voyage, mon ami. Voir les sites et les personnes, Photamerica!
I knew it was Voodoo from the first photo! Haha. Love seeing your pictures :D
What people will do for a good donut.
That first shot makes me flashback!
Re my shot, oddly enough I am going to run a train scene from same town this week. it really looks mini!
Can you believe I have never been to Voodoo? I am not a fan of the sweets, although I sure craved them when I was pregnant. Should have gone then!!!
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