She got exactly what she wanted, to lie down on her bed, fall asleep and never wake up. I found her when I came home from work, after having talked with her at 2 p.m. I often talked to her on the ride home on the bus, so I called her phone several times yesterday. When I didn't get her, I truly had a feeling that this was it, that she wasn't just in her recliner watching the Trail Blazers play Minnesota, her cellphone still in the bedroom. I told myself to plan exactly how I would react as I came through the door which has really helped me to hold myself together through the rest of last night and so far today. I've been crying, of course, but also I've been rejoicing that she is now with Daddy, my husband LeRoy, her parents, all the rest of her loved ones, and our little dachshund Duncan.
The photo I have here is my favorite that I managed to take of her after we had moved to Portland. For me it shows Mama at her best, looking up in curiosity about what's next. She lived her life as all of us should endeavor to, as a decent human being who loved her family and friends with a mighty love.
Thanks to each and every one of you for taking her into your lives.
Thinking of you and your family today.
Beautifully written. Thanks for sharing. I'm so sorry for your loss, but encouraged by your knowledge that this is but one part of our journey, and God has so much more for us beyond the world we know.
sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.
Lynette - thinking of you and the boys. What a lovely picture and how lucky are you that you had your mom by your side for so many years. Love you - Cindy in Sugar Land
I'm so sorry for your loss. I've watched your adventures with her sor several years now and have enjoyed "getting to know" you both. It seems to me that she was a real "trooper" - always eager to participate in trips and adentures with you. You were definitely very lucky to have such a great mother!
She is just beautiful!
Ms. Lynette....after I read this I heard my 5 month old crying in the next room. I went to check on her and as soon as she saw me, she flashed the biggest smile she has (which is pretty big, to say the least!!) and let out a chuckle. I said, as I always do, "Hi baby."
Then I looked in her eyes and wondered if she would be writing something like this about me one day. Hopefully, she'll be going through it (meaning I hope I outlive her!) someday, and hopefully I will have touched her half as much as your mama touched you!! God bless you both!! God bless all Mamas!!
What a beautiful love letter for your mom...she certainly is proud of you and still watches after you. I'm sorry for your loss.
Hi Lynette - been catching bits of you and your mum for some years now - sad to hear her time has come but by the sound of it it is the right time and so of that I am glad - when my mum went it was at the right time for her and there's no regrets - life won't be the same but it never is - all my best.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
L - Beautiful portrait of your mom. So sorry for your loss.
Oh my God! I've been dreading this day. It's good she had a peaceful death at home instead of in the hospital hooked up to a million things. I think we all want to go the way she went. I hope that is some tiny consolation to you (and that Duncan will be wagging his tail hard). My condolences for your loss. I'll miss Mama!
Beautiful post, Lynette. My heart is with you and your family during this time.
My thoughts are with you today. I am so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful photo.
I'm sorry that the day has come for your mother, Lynette. Your love for her shone through your blog. You are fortunate to have spent so much time with her, and she was fortunate to spend so much time with you. I hope your fond memories help you through this period.
My thougth are with you and your mom. I have so enjoyed her though your beautiful words. thank ou for bringing her to all of us. I will miss her.
Lynette, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
May love negate time and distance.
Thoughts and prayers for you all.
daily athens
Lynette, your mom was also very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter! Ron and Theresa sent this to me.
I don't know you personally, but I've been following your blogs for about a year now. I want to say I'm so sorry for your loss. The sharing of the blogosphere draws us together even in the most difficult circumstances--know you are thought of and cared about.
Oh, Lynette. Beautifully written - it's nice to think she's with your other loved ones again. I love this shot of your mom. Take care, my friend.
I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. I can't imagine how it must feel to lose a parent. It sounds like it was a peaceful death though, so we should be thankful for that. My thoughts and love go out to you and your family.
I am so sorry to read of your mothers death. Sweet Memories to you~
Pendleton Oregon
Oh Lynette, so sorry to read this, but yes, your mom, like mine, is now with her loved ones. I like this photo, she's looking heavenward (at least, that is my take on it). Not sure of your belief system, but if you are at all Christian, check out a wonderful book when you have time, when you recover, 90 Minutes in Heaven. It is a comfort to me. Take it easy on yourself, Ken
Patty and I send our love to you both and our sympathy goes out to you. You are in our prayers. Hang together with memories of Mamma and Me. You all made a lot of friends and we are all sad to hear this news.
just take it slow...God bless
What a beautiful portrait... keep it forever.
Lynette, my heart is broken. My thoughts are with you and your lovely family. I enjoyed so much seeing and reading about your exploits with mama. How wonderful it must have been to for you to. She would love this tribute.
I'm so sorry for your loss. What a sweet soul.
Do take care of yourself.
May God bless you Lynette and your precious Mama. What a sweet picture.
I am truly sorry to hear this. I have read your blog for a long time (formerly lived in Portland) and have enjoyed your adventures, as I know your Mama did. What a lovely photo of her. You are in my thoughts.
So sorry for your loss. God bless you Lynette !
Sorina David from Romania/Europe
I've been quietly enjoying your blog for a while now. I'm sorry to hear of your loss, yet happy your mom left in such a peaceful way.
I have followed you and your mom from the time you moved to Portland, and I am so sorry for this loss. This is a beautiful photo of a beautiful lady.
I missed all this, but got a hint from one of your recent posts so I surfed backwards to discover some of the major, sad events of your life. Sometimes life is so hard that it is difficult to continue, but we have to go on, and you seem to have done that beautifully. Late as they are, my condolences to you because of the death of your husband and your Mama.
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