Thursday, October 31, 2013

Nature's beauty, No. 5 AND Happy Birthday, Leland!

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OK. No blossoms here. But, just take a close look at this cloth-like spread of spiderweb. I cannot even imagine how tiny the spider or spiders must be who spun this exquisite patch between these small leaves. I'm making a decision that there were at least two spiders at work because I want to imagine one going this way, one going that way, over and over, until they were done. How in the world did they not run into each other as they worked?


genie said...

Buddy and I are always taking pictures of spider webs, but we have never seen one like this. It is remarkable. The glistening white against the colorful leaves makes the picture so striking.

Randy said...

I love the vivid colors and the detail of the web.

Birdman said...

I guess they had the day off or at least some time on their hands.