Seeing people reading on the bus and/or listening to their music on their commute. I sometimes read or listen to music, but most of the time I'm looking out the windows or watching people.
SURGERY UPDATE: No complications from the operation, no need to be cut wide open--hooray! Woke up when I was supposed to with family and friends there in my room. Kept going back to sleep and still managed to sleep for a couple hours at a time during the night. I cannot remember exactly when I did it, but in the afternoon I managed to walk about 75 feet using an old-style walker for confidence. Ate jello and popsicles. This morning ate room service breakfast, hospital style--scrambled eggs, toast and jelly, sausage links, chilled hard-boiled egg, fruit cup, cranberry juice. I left bits of everything, but managed to consume enough that I felt happy to have eaten. Then, I fell asleep again in the chair--pretty comfortable chair once you get the pillows behind you. Oh, I forgot. The surgeon came by around 7 a.m. and said that I could go home in a few hours. So, that's where I am now! Just ate a little bit of plain rice and a baked chicken leg. I'm about to eat a few pieces of fruit and then take a nap in the recliner.
RESULTS/DIAGNOSIS - unknown at this time, waiting for the extensive biopsy results, may know by the end of next week.
THANKS for all of your prayers and well wishes!
I don't make as much use of public transit as I could, but I'd never be able to read on a bus- I'd end up getting car sick!
Nice shot. Hope your up and around soon.
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