Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thirsty dog drinks

As we PCPA tour guides waited patiently on the south side of Pioneer Courthouse Square, I noticed a sight I had to photograph, quickly. As it was, I missed the woman bending over and drinking from the fountain head to the dog's right. Drat!

OK. I'm happy with the photo that I got, but I would have been thrilled to have had one of the two of them sharing the Benson Bubbler.

Turns out Saturday, July 25, would become the first of 10 days in a row when Portland's temperature topped 90 degrees. I think this beautiful dog knew something we didn't.


  1. Smart dog! Good eye - what a moment you caught. :D

  2. I love seeing things like that! Nice!

  3. Cute capture. Looks like he really needed a drink.

  4. At least he's tall enough to actually reach it. Good for him.

  5. That is a GREAT photo of the dog drinking!!! Excellent, and what a nice looking dog. I want it! :)


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