Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008 - Trio Tells a Tale

So, walking north on SW Broadway after one of the Music on Main Street concerts, I noticed a young couple step closer to a store window display at Mario's. I looked at what had them looking, then pulled the camera out of the rolling black bag because I know a photo opportunity when I see one. And this one wasn't going anywhere. I took my time, shooting the troop of monkeys, photographically, of course.

Here we have three somewhat traditional-looking sock monkeys. Look closely with your eyes wide open. They're telling you something, and I'll bet you've heard it before.

Here's another view.


  1. Took me a minute, but I see what they are saying. Good shot, I can never get store window displays.

  2. Neat.

    My wife used to make these for our kids when they were smaller. Now some are past 50 and I guess they still got their monkeys.


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