I suppose I should have also taken a photo of the wall that these carefully trimmed red tip photinias made at the back of a narrow parking lot off SE Hawthorne Blvd., so that you could see how pretty it looked in the bright sunshine. Mainly, though, I concentrated on getting the Buick into the narrow parking spot. It was only after I got out of the car that I saw the daffodils peaking out of the brilliant red leaves in two different spots, so out came the camera.
I love this shot Lynette! Excellent!
Hi Lynette, here I am for my weekly visit...
The daffodils look great; spring is definitely in the air... but waking up at 4:00 a.m. doesn't make much sense, even in Spring... ;)
The pictures of Union Station Tower and of the dog at the cherry trees park are absolutely stunning! Finaly, Miss Piggy looks great in the fields... ;))
Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter, where I’m still strolling around Bilbao. Look forward to reading you back there!
Have a great weekend!
Bright colors. The colors and the photography are nice.
I managed to post about my hospitalization adventures. Hope you get to read it.
Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio
Wow, this is a gorgeous picture with the bright colors. Very nice shot.
Wonderful colours! Love the pale daffodils against the fiery red.
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments. We now have broadband - though the connection is either low or good. I'm looking forward to visiting your blog more regularly. Please bear with me. Have a great weekend!
A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman
These are so pretty!
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