Friday, December 14, 2007

Snowflakes at the World Trade Center

Portland's World Trade Center takes in three buildings over several downtown blocks. As I walked north on SW 2nd Avenue to catch my second bus for the trip home, these sparkly snowflakes grabbed my attention.

Is your country's flag hanging here?

In this photo you can see the covered walkways that connect the WTC buildings. If you walk down the sidewalk on the right, beneath that walkway that goes left and right in the photo, you'll be heading east, right toward Tom McCall Waterfront Park and the Willamette River.


  1. Oh yes, I can see my country's flag hanging there :)

  2. Those lights and snowflakes probably took awhile to hang up. I can't really tell, but there looks like a huge Christmas tree or decorations inside.

  3. Those snow flakes are dazzling!

  4. beautiful! I am desperate for it to snow in NYC!

  5. Ohh...I like the colored snow flakes.

    I wonder if they are available in stores. I can hang one on each of my windows facing the avenue so everyone can see it (on the 4th floor).

  6. "World Trade Center" in the title made my heart stop for a minute (I used to work across the street in NYC). Once I recovered, I enjoyed your snowflake pictures. Am a little disappointed you didn't string up Flat Stanley with them.


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