Dr. Thomas Johnson at Kaiser on Interstate Avenue said that I will not have radiation until about a month after I've completed the chemotherapy. Right now, if I am physically able to stick to having a round of chemo every 21 days, I should have the last round on November 11. If my body doesn't let that happen, of course the chemo will be delayed which naturally would mean the radiation would be delayed.
No matter when it begins, here's the gist of the plan. It will be external beam radiotherapy of the whole pelvic area. I will see Dr. Johnson about 2-3 weeks after the end of the chemo, have a treatment-planning CT scan, then begin the treatments 1-2 weeks later. The treatments will be Monday-Friday, 15 minute x-ray sessions that will last for 5 to 6 weeks. He will see me once a week during the treatments. He said that the last week, #6, would more than likely be extra treatment on the right side of the pelvic area since that is where the rotten-no-good-cancerous-mass was located. (The adjectives are mine, all mine.)
So, next Wednesday, July 29, at 7:30 a.m., I will be at Kaiser Interstate for my first six-hour long chemotherapy treatment. I am relieved to know that I will be undergoing just one type of treatment at a time.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers, love, and concern.
A fitting shot for the circumstances. I hope the first session goes well.
Again, thanks for the update Lynette. It sounds to me like you have some good doctors taking care of you. I will continue to pray that you will get through your treatment with no delays so you will be cured that much sooner!
my prayers for you, be strong.
Lynette, I certainly have missed a lot! I have not been aware of your medical issues and surprised to discover this post. I wish you well and will send you energy for this whole process. Wish you the very best outcome!!
Keep positive thoughts. Nothing feels as wonderful as the suns warmth. Well, there is ice cream.
You found a good image to address the radiation treatments metaphorically, Lynette. We are all cheering you on!
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