For those of us who frequent mass transit through TriMet, this is a well-known situation. You go to the bus stop and you wait. I've been doing it since July, 2006, happily and thankfully. I got the perk that I wanted when I got my job, a handed-to-me-yearly-mass-transit pass. When I need a car, I reserve a Zipcar, by the hour, without having to have my own driver's insurance, without having to pay for any gasoline. I'm spoiled by TriMet and Zipcar.
The shelter's different from ours, in terms of colours, but it's a familiar scene. We have a similar program here called VirtuCar that allows drivers who really don't need a car regularly to make use of one when the need does arise.
I love this shot. You can really capture some great stuff at a bus stop.
Love the transit opportunities in Portland. btw you can't guess my travelog question today. Not fair. hahahahahaha
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